EMEP Wet Deposition Algorithm


This is an implementation of a box model used to calculate wet deposition based on formulas at Unified EMEP Model documentation, chapter 9.

Running the model

using AtmosphericDeposition
using ModelingToolkit
using DifferentialEquations
using EarthSciMLBase
using DynamicQuantities
using ModelingToolkit:t

model = Wetdeposition()

Before running any simulations with the model we need to convert it into a system of differential equations.

sys = structural_simplify(model)
tspan = (0.0, 3600*24)
u0 = [2.0,10.0,5,1400,275,50,0.15,2.34,10,0.15]  # initial concentration of SO₂, O₃, NO₂, CH₄, CO, DMS, ISOP, H₂O₂, HNO₃, CH₂O
prob = ODEProblem(sys, u0, tspan, [])
sol = solve(prob,AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23()), saveat=10.0) # default parameters

which we can plot as

using Plots
plot(sol, xlabel="Time (second)", ylabel="concentration (ppb)", legend=:outerright)
Example block output


The parameters in the model are:

parameters(sys) #[ρ_air, qrain, Δz, cloudFrac]

where cloudFrac is fraction of grid cell covered by clouds, qrain is rain mixing ratio, ρ_air is air density [kg/m3], and Δz is fall distance [m].

Let's run some simulation with different value for parameter cloudFrac.

@unpack O3,cloudFrac,qrain = sys

p1 = [cloudFrac=>0.3]
p2 = [cloudFrac=>0.6]
sol1 = solve(ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, p1),AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23()), saveat=10.0)
sol2 = solve(ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, p2),AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23()), saveat=10.0)

plot([sol1[O3],sol2[O3]], label = ["cloudFrac=0.3" "cloudFrac=0.6"], title = "Change of O3 concentration due to wet deposition", xlabel="Time (second)", ylabel="concentration (ppb)")
Example block output

From the plot we could see that with larger cloud fraction, the wet deposition rate increases.

Let's run some simulation with different value for parameter qrain

p3 = [qrain=>0.3]
p4 = [qrain=>0.6]
sol3 = solve(ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, p3),AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23()), saveat=10.0)
sol4 = solve(ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, p4),AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23()), saveat=10.0)

plot([sol3[O3],sol4[O3]], label = ["qrain=0.3" "qrain=0.6"], title = "Change of O3 concentration due to wet deposition", xlabel="Time (second)", ylabel="concentration (ppb)")
Example block output

The graph indicates that an increase in the rain mixing ratio leads to a corresponding rise in the rate of wet deposition.